(急!!)有關P. of account既問題

2007-05-10 8:01 am
passtpaper d字好深law~同埋就算一個concept,making scheme既ans.年年都唔同字眼,令我唔知點背......
last minute入面d concept好短咁,背果d得唔得ga?

回答 (1)

2007-05-10 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.the relevant concept
2.definition of concept
3.use the concept to describe the case(question)

唔好記past paper果d...問下你阿sir有冇note, only背佢d 定義
d concept有重要既keyword+d完整既句子is ok...do not need a exactly definition...but you should know what is the keyword of each concept...

2007-05-10 16:40:32 補充:
4:state the correct treatment

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