有無人可以幫我 翻譯 thx (10分)

2007-05-10 6:04 am



回答 (3)

2007-05-10 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Learn from the courage of the actress.
There was still a high degree of dependency on males for the females in those days.
After meeting Jack, Rose discovered LOVE (more lit. the existence of love)
For love and freedom, she resolutely forsaked all the things she had at that time (fame and wealth) or (vanity)

2) Life is priceless
Rose had tried to drown herself, but she was saved by Jack
When the boat was sinking she promised Jack not to give up, and she was rescued at last

3) The quality of man in retrospect
Some people sacrifice others for the sake of themselves
Some people died for their diginty
Some people spent their whole lives in reget for their mistakes

2007-05-09 22:32:17 補充:
In parargraph two, for the second line, maybe "Rose had thought of drowning herself" is better.

2007-05-09 22:35:00 補充:
In paragraph three, last line, change to "Some people spent their whole lives in regret for the mistakes they had made."
參考: nill
2007-05-11 1:21 am
2007-05-10 6:08 am
1) studies the leading lady bravely in that age, the woman high after meets jack to man's dependence, rose had discovered loves the existence for the love and the freedom, she resolutely gives up existing all (name and advantage) 2) life non- price rose once had thought jumps into the sea, when is retrieved by jack the sunken wreck she also complies jack not to be able to give up, finally is rescued 3) reconsiders the human nature quality, some people sacrifice the other people, helps oneself has the artificial dignity to die has the human error to regret the life

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