
2007-05-10 4:35 am

回答 (8)

2007-05-10 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
This story tells us a principle: We should be self-control.

2007-05-09 21:19:57 補充:
Sorry to say that:樓上的朋友們:為什麼你們的答案都是一樣的?你們全錯了! autonomy 解自治, 自治權的意思, 與自律完全是兩碼子的事! 自律是self-control
This story must tell us the truth is, the human wants the autonomy.
參考: me
2007-05-10 5:41 am
this story tell us that people must be self-disciplined.
2007-05-10 5:28 am
The reason that this story should be told us is, people want to contain by oneself
2007-05-10 5:12 am
The story tells us a sense. That is we have to be autonomic
參考: Yahoo dictionary
2007-05-10 4:41 am
This story must (could )tell us the truth is the human wants the autonomy
2007-05-10 4:40 am

A:This story must tell us the truth is, the human wants the autonomy
參考: me
2007-05-10 4:38 am
This story must tell us the truth is, the human wants the autonomy.
參考: vista ge字典

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