healthy living(oral)

2007-05-10 3:39 am
theme :healthy living(oral) 1分鐘
1.who is your idol? why have you chosen him/her to be your idol? you think idol workshipping is healthy? why or why not?
3.what are some qualities an idol should possess?why do you say that? you think pop stars are good role models for teenagers?why or why not?

my idol是kelly chan,

回答 (2)

2007-05-15 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you like Kelly so much perhaps you can say:

Hi everyone,

I would like to talk about my idol, Kelly Chan. I have chosen her because she is beautiful and charming.

I also like Kelly for her healthy public image. Nowadays we often hear rumours (bad news) about pop stars who do all sorts of bad things, but we rarely hear such things about her. Kelly is hard-working and brave too! Though she's fallen off the horse back recently, she doesn't seem to give up because of the accidents!

So I believe that having pop stars as role models are acceptable, but it depends on who you like. Certainly Kelly is a good role model!

2007-05-14 19:41:52 補充:
btw, that s the second time she fell, hope she can get well soon!
2007-05-10 3:58 am
My idol is Kelly Chan. I have chosen her to be my idol because she is a pretty woman.
I also think that Kelly is a healthy person. It is because she is not over weighted or too skinny. She's healthy and slim. Kelly doesn't smoke and I think that's why she looks younger than her actual age. I think an idol should be a role model to his/her fans because the young people may inmitate their idols' behaviour.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:08:57
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