請問有關科大BBA interview

2007-05-10 3:09 am
最近接到科大BBA interview的通知信~但是信上只有說什麽時候去面試而已~並沒有什麽進一步的資料
我想請問,科大BBA的interview是以什麽形式進行的呢?需不需要formal dress?語言方面是以英文爲主嗎?如果是的話,是不是全程都不可以用中文~

回答 (2)

2007-05-10 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
我不是bba出身, 不過對於你的interview想講幾句。
其實現在科大bba已經達到世界級的水準, formal dress的interview, 中、英、普多國語言一定少不了。平時你是一個怎樣的人, 你到interview時加倍表現自己, 講多d真心話, 其實已經給人好好的印象。
至於有什麼準備? 想想自己做過什麼, 學術? 活動等?! 想想為什麼要讀大學, 想想為什麼bba, 幻想一下自己是大學生時是怎樣...... 想得多, 問自己問得多, 人地問你乜都好容易回答。
resume, 一定要最一流的, 請參考人地大公司的resume, 單頁有目標, 中英文.. 都已經ok!
參考: 我是港大人, 不過好多fri係ust bba.
2007-05-10 9:47 am
It depends on who interviews you There was a few minutes discussion and a case will be given to you (~5 people a group) like those you met in the AL oral. e.g. if you are to run a new fastfood shop, where will you choose? Some interviewers will ask why do you choose BBA? Why so you choose UST but not others? Why should they choose you as a UST student?

Since most people will wear suit.. you will be strange not to wear. Buy @ Mastina (if girl) or G2000 if needed. If girl, better to do some make-up, to look more beautiful as well as to show your respect.

English ALWAYS!!! Some of the interviewers dont even know Chinese!!!

Prepare a self-introduction since some interviewers will ask you to give a self-introduction though some may not. And know more about UST and its Business School. Differientiate UST from HKU and CU. They may ask you why do you choose UST. (Exchange programme is the highlight. No other schools offer students so many exchange places per year only in the business school) Check that out.

Just bring your resume is okay. Remember to write down your ECA and awards. ^^

Be relax. And good luck!
參考: I have been to the interview last year and now in UST BBA. ^^

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