韓國時間零晨5:30落機, 請問可以搭咩車點去東大門?

2007-05-09 10:09 pm
第一次自由行韓國, 搭零晨機出發, 會係韓國時間5:30am左右到達
如果冇直到車有咩車可以去到附近再轉的士? 同埋大約幾錢?

tszxxx: So sorry that I don't understand wht you mean. Would you mind briefly explain once to me ? Thank you

回答 (5)

2007-05-10 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your hotel is not near DongDaeMun 東大門. It is in the northern part of Seoul, far far away. But dont worry. You may go there by airport limousine or by subway. If you go by subway you have to change 2 times. Therefore you better go there by limousine express bus.

By limousine (airport express bus) :
Where to take the bus : outside Gate 4 or 10 (bus stop location 4A or 10A)
路线名 Direction : 城北,鲁院方向 Nowon, Seongbuk (Gireum)
最早班车 : 05:05
所需时间 : 95分钟
费用 : 13,000 Won
停车点 : 鲁院站 NoWon Station (next to subway exit #5)
The stop should be in front of Jung Won Building and it's on the same side of the road near your hotel.
Just tell the driver you will get off at NoWon Station and he will tell you. There is also announcement on the bus.

This is the route map in English :

see the green line --> station #3 NoWon Station --> click on it and you will see the location of the bus stop,

To go back to the airport, just go to the opposite side of the road and take the same limousine bus.

Enjoy your trip.

** Please note that according to the information of the Incheon Airport, the location to take the limousine is Gate 3 or 10 (bus stop location 3B or 10A). But dont worry la, location 3B and 4A is next to each other, about 10 metres difference. Just go out of Gate 3, walk to 3B. If the bus is not there, walk farther to 4A and you will find it ^ ^

2007-05-09 21:42:06 補充:
sorry, your hotel is not near exit #5. It should be from exit #8 of Nowon Subway Station.Get off the limousine bus. It's next to exit #5. Walk forward. Cross the first big road junction (you wil see Lotte Department Store opposite the road on your right hand side but dont go there)

2007-05-09 21:43:11 補充:
... continue walking (LG NoWon Plaza is on your left hand side) until the second big road. Turn left and cross the road. Continue walking and you will see your hotel on your left.Download the hotel location map from the link you posted. And walk according to the map.

2007-05-11 03:52:16 補充:
As this is the first time you go there by yourself (第一次自由行韓國), l do not advise you to take the subway just to save that amount of money. 13,000 Won is a little bit more than HK$100 and it's not much. Express bus is strict forward, one stop, get in and get off only.

2007-05-11 03:55:42 補充:
Consider these ...you hv to change 2 time by subway and subway transfer is not as easy as in HK. You have to walk inside the station for ~ 5 mins or more.Even if you go to the correct line you may not be in the same direction (platform not in the middle of the platform in between the rails)

2007-05-11 04:05:14 補充:
You will see Korean words/signs only. English and Chinese station name is displayed in the platform only. English name wont tell you which is the correct direction and you are walking inside the same station.Most of the places, there are no escalators, you have to carry your luggage with you.

2007-05-11 04:06:41 補充:
There are 3 lines intersecting at DongDaeMun Playground Station. Too complex for you.So, be practical. Think again. It will be more troublematic if you try to save a little sum. Not worth it if you want to start your journey happily.
2007-05-25 9:49 am
2007-05-10 10:37 am

你可以係仁川機場坐機場快線(3300won, 新開嫁,三月中先通車),去到金浦機場站(站號:512)



2007-05-13 23:52:24 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-05-10 12:39 am
walking to go PLC

2007-05-16 18:24:41 補充:
人地玩,我又跟住玩!!結果俾你駡!!真不好意思不過我就真係幚你問倒個韓國朋友,睇過你的網址了正式中文地區叫:蘆原區Nowon-Gu(노원구) 上溪6洞Sangkye-6-Dong(상계6동) 蘆原站(노원역)4號線411站簡單的:機場巴士601-->明洞落車 之後 明洞424號站-->蘆原411號站如果你有首爾地圖,你的hotel地址,是在首爾的最右上方,東大門之上,地圖都看不到的,如果看地跌圖先睇到!一定幚倒你的!

2007-05-16 18:28:43 補充:
總之你去到機場寫俾人睇(明洞명동) bus,,我唔確定係601號車,總之一定有哩部車去到明洞的的,搵倒之後 約1小時20分鐘車程w8000車費,中途有一站岩岩好明洞地跌站正正門口落車,再由 4號線<424站>明洞站出發---到<411站>蘆原站 看地圖即可!
2007-05-09 10:16 pm


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