Help me translate.

2007-05-09 9:23 pm
我希望在畢業後於懲教署工作, 幫助犯人進行心理輔導。

回答 (5)

2007-05-09 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After graduation, I wish to work at the Hong Kong Correctional Services in order to conduct pshychological counselling for prisoners.

2007-05-09 14:02:40 補充:
Can't use "with" the HKCS bc you can only work "for" themor "at" their place and can't use "the" prisoner bc can't specify which prisoners
2007-05-10 2:56 am
I hope after the graduation in the corrections department work, helps the criminal to carry on psychological counselling.
參考: myself
2007-05-09 10:28 pm
我希望在畢業後於懲教署工作, 幫助犯人進行心理輔導。

I wish I am able to work for the Hong Kong Correctional Services after graduation to help prisoners for psychological guidance.
參考: SELF
2007-05-09 9:34 pm
I wish to work with the Hong Kong Correctional Services after graduation, so that I can give psychological counselling services to the prisoners.
2007-05-09 9:32 pm
I hope I can work in the punishment department after graduate, to help the prisoner proceed psychology guidance and assistance.

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