
2007-05-09 6:05 pm
大家有否到基督教聯合醫院生bb, 醫療和設備ok嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-05-09 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Below is my comment on United Christian based on my regular check-up experience during my pregnancy, my husband & I have finally decided to deliver our baby in C+ hospital instead of United Christian.

1. Bad service attitude of staffs/assistant nurses
2. Poor service level - inefficiency patients service
3. Very little doctor-patient communication during your consultation with doctor in the room - even when you ask the doctor questions you concern about your baby, they seldom willing to or can give you right answer.

Some of my girl friends also have bad comments on other civil hospitals according to their experience such as "Kwong Wah", "Wales", & "Tuen Mun".

My advice is that if you have visited United Christian for check-up & find no problem on it, then you can stick to it. If you have hesitation to it, you better find youself a 2nd backup choice.

Good Luck!!
2007-05-09 6:39 pm
設備不錯,我個bb都是聯合醫院出世,有安排教導媽媽餵人奶,媽媽照顧, 醫療和設備ok.

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