Please help how to write 10 sentences for below question

2007-05-09 11:39 am
Do you think women and men are discriminated against at work ??

回答 (1)

2007-05-09 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Traditionally, there were many jobs that were considered the exclusive territory of one sex or the other. Jobs such as police, pilots, firefighters, doctors are considered a man's job, while a nurse or teacher a woman's. Time has changed indeed that much stereotype no longer exists.

Research has, however, shown that for comparable men and women with similar job titles, education and experience, women are often paid substantially less than men. There are also fewer women in top CEO positions in large corporations. Some employers also think that women are less reliable as work as they often consider their family first: they cannot stay late because they have to pick up their children, and often take time off to care for a sick child.

On the other hand, male workers have complained that they were discriminated against. The male warehouse workers in one U.S. company filed a lawsuit claiming that while they are paid the same as their female co-workers, they have to do heavier work. Waiters complain that they receive less tips than waitresses, and male executives say that they were expected to do more travelling and overtimes.

It is therefore hard to say who is being discriminated against.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:45:47
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