
2007-05-09 11:20 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-11 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well you need to research more into the company you are interviewing for. Try to find out more about the company before you go in. Your goal is to dress like you "fit in" to that company culture. If that company is very corporate, then i suggest you wear a jacket, if it is a more casual enviornment, then just wear a nice clean shirt is fine :) Make sure what you are wearing is clean and not wrinkle. Good luck!
參考: personal experience
2007-05-09 12:53 pm
我知在大陸, 女子 見文職工, 多數穿好 sex 的衣著, 香港女子就很保守 !
2007-05-09 12:24 pm
其實可以唔著ga,但著左就穩陣d,因為唔知見你個個介唔介意呢樣野,即使唔介意但你比人覺得你專重個interview,所以不妨著ma去~ good luck

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