[[[[40分]]]] pen friend((英文作文))

2007-05-09 8:18 am
題目係pen friend...

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2007-05-09 11:08 pm
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Pen Friend
As MSN becomes a commonly used tool for communication, it makes the globe in which we are living more unique and closer than ever. We could make contact to some of new friends around the globe by using MSN. I also have one Pen Friend from Sweden by chatting with him in MSN. We have chatted for half a years already and he decides to visit HK very soon.Therefore, I 'm going to plan a series of destinations for him to visit when he arrives in HK.

HK is one of the finanacial hubs in Asia.It's a dynamic and enrichment of different cultures which we call it "East meet West". There are aslo a lot of places which reflects the unique culture of HK. For instance, Lantau Island is a destination where Buddhism is practised and adhered, heritages among the area are widely protected by HK government hence it has became one of the most important world heritages as well. Through experiencing the Buddhism, u would be able to explore yourself in full in terms of personality and reflection of your life. However, HK also offers s wide range of night life recreation for tourists as well. There are an avenue situated in commercial hub in HK called Central Lan Kwai Fong. You could be able to self- entertain as much as u like whenever u want, because HK is truly a city that never sleeps. Moreover, the Peak is also a great destination where tourists must visit once they arrives HK. There are shopping malls where a wide range of brands are offered for customers to purchase. In addition, you could take a walk to the avenue to explore the view of HK island from the highest mountain in HK.Apart from these destinations, there are also a Disneyland, Ocean Park, Etland Park and Ngong Ping 360 in Lantau Island. Through visiting these destinations, you would feel so delighted about the enrichment of HK society.

Therefore, I'm lokking forward to seeing my Pen Friend to visit HK very soon and hopefully he would enjoy his period in HK.

2007-05-09 15:10:42 補充:
Etland Park~Wetland Parklokking~looking
參考: Longman Dictionary ( Writing Skill)

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