
2007-05-09 4:52 am

回答 (5)

2007-05-20 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好, 我之前在香港電台聽過一個節目訪問左一個精神科醫生(吳蓬盛), 佢提及有病人又係有精神病唔肯睇醫生, 你睇下對你有無幫助?


** 訪問享第2個鐘先開始, 第一個鐘唔使聽
(04/05/2007 平等機會多元共融行動
嘉 賓 : 精 神 科 醫 生 吳 蓬 盛)

*** 上面既醫生提及一個社區精神區服務隊會上門家訪, 不如你試下問下港台可唔可以比個熱線你?

其實有精神病既人一般都唔肯去睇醫生, 或者你可唔可以帶你家人去睇普通家庭醫生先(當佢有其他病痛時), 再問下醫生你地下一部應該點做, 或者佢地可唔可以介紹一d團體/ 社工去你屋企睇你既家人.

參考: 港台
2007-05-23 3:30 pm
2007-05-11 8:17 am

電話:3586 9881傳真:3586 9882
2007-05-09 5:45 pm
Either I would't go to see doctor if I have psyche problems, and there is no one wants to,too.
If you really wanna help, or someone really wanna help, you can read some books by yourself, they usually exist in liabary or book store, there are many and many. In my knowledage>>Problems always starts when they are young, had really bad memory in childhood. It make them always thinks negative and reject to hear and accept those informations. Only you can do is found out the probems and solve it.(MAKE SURE HE/SHE LIKES TO TALK TO YOU, YOU HAVE TO TALK REALLY KIND, DON'T MAKES THEM FEEL ANY UNCOMFORTABLE, IF YOU SEE HE/SHE IS UNHAPPY,STOP!!).Ofcourse, there are many reason for the sympton, what i am talking that one is the most common one. And there are many profassinal common on books.

2007-05-18 11:17:30 補充:
If you know what's his dreams, tell him if he solve those problems, he will achieve all the dreams he want; may be that is fall in love with someone, travel to somewhere, have a free life, or just to be better. or, bring him to see a doctor as a new friend, and begins to chat.
參考: self experience
2007-05-09 9:18 am

你可以先search下你個d精神病既病徵,香港有唔少唔同精神病的association,如自閉症,飲食食失調等,你可以send e-mail 同埋打電話問下,佢可以解答你d問題,有需要可以幫你d親戚和朋友轉介

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