
2007-05-09 4:13 am

我講的是海洋污染,,海洋污染的情況愈來愈嚴重,,這樣會令海水變得很骯髒,,嚴重的還會令海中的生物死亡,,可以令我們沒海鮮吃,,so we could 減少排放污水,,不要棄置垃圾在河流或海中.

回答 (3)

2007-05-10 5:44 am
What I spoke is marine pollution ,,The situation of the marine pollution is more and more serious ,,In this way, will make sea water become very dirty ,,Serious biological death that will also make in the sea ,,Can make us have no seafood to eat ,,So we could reduces and discharges sewages ,,Don't throw aside the rubbish in the river or the sea.
2007-05-10 12:57 am
2007-05-09 4:21 am
I say am the marine pollution, marine pollution situation increasingly serious, can change very much like this the sea water dirtily, is serious also can make in the sea the biological death, may make us not to have the seafood to eat, so we the could reduction discharges the sewage, do not have to abandon trash in the rivers or the sea

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:29:14
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