POLY U credit transfer 與 credit exemption 既分別

2007-05-08 10:27 pm


回答 (1)

2007-05-09 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope you do not mind me answering the question in English. If you are going to study in PolyU, all teaching will be in English anyway.

Take myself as an example. I studied MSc in Management in PolyU. One of the subjects that I had to take was Accounting for Managers. However, I previously completed a subject called Accounting and Finance at MBA level in another university. Since these two subjects are very similar and are both at Masters level, I applied for CREDIT TRANSFER and submitted the syllabus of Accounting and Finance to PolyU for assessment. They approved my application to transfer the credit of this subject to PolyU. Therefore, I did not have to take Accounting for Managers and I ended up in taking one subject less.

Now, suppose you took an accounting subject at BBA level. Since this is at Bachelors level and even if it is very similar to Accounting for Managers in the MSc, you may only apply for CREDIT EXEMPTION and submit the syllabus of your accounting subject to PolyU for assessment. If they approve your application, you will be exempted from taking Accounting for Managers but you have to choose another elective subject instead. Therefore, you still take the same number of subjects.

To sum up what I have said, CREDIT TRANSFER is normally for Masters students. If they have taken the same subject at Masters level before and their application is approved, they will take one subject less.

CREDIT EXEMPTION is for any other students. If they have taken the same subject at Bachelors level before and their application is approved, they do not have to take that subject but have to take another elective subject instead.

Please do not hesitate to ask again if you do not understand. Good luck!

2007-05-09 17:54:19 補充:
一科頂兩科? 梗係唔得啦. 兩科頂一科都係唔得.至於你個情況既 HD 科目, 我 個人 覺得佢未必會批你 credit exemption, 可能有其他人又話 A Level 曾經讀過, 又話要 exempt, 無可能家嘛. 你可以先睇睇你原本讀左果科既 syllabus, 同你將來要讀果科既 syllabus 自己比較一下, 就知道申請獲批既機會大唔大. 如果 syllabus 唔夾, 又或者 HD syllabus 同 degree 既深度唔同, 佢未必會 approve 你架, 因為你申請 credit exemption 時, 你要比埋個 syllabus 佢睇.

2007-05-09 17:54:52 補充:
但我始終無讀過 HD, 唔敢代 PolyU 答. 穩陣d, 你不妨打個電話去問下你所屬個 Department 既 office, 果d staff 都好幫得手架.是不是兩種都有credit? 我唔係好明你既意思, 可唔可以講清楚少少邊兩種有credit?

2007-05-12 03:59:10 補充:
譬如你個 degree, total 要讀 10 科方可畢業. 你個 final average GPA 就是所有科目的 GPA 總和, 然後除 10. final average GPA 就是決定你將來獲頒 First Class, 或 Second Class 或 Third Class Honours.

2007-05-12 03:59:42 補充:
If you TRANSFER CREDIT for any subject, I said you would not have to take that subject. 即是說你只須要讀 9 科就可畢業, 所以你個 final average GPA 將會是所有你讀的科目的 GPA 總和除 9. 你 transfer credit 過來 PolyU 果一科唔計.

2007-05-12 04:00:00 補充:
For CREDIT EXEMPTION, 你 exempt 左果一科唔駛讀, 但你要選過另外一科, 即是說你始終要讀 10 科才可畢業, 所以你個 final average GPA 將會是所有你讀的科目的 GPA 總和除 10.

2007-05-13 22:12:33 補充:
我覺得你應該先問 Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering 的 office staff, 你以前所讀的 high dip 及 high cert 科目, 因為不同 degree level, 可不可以 apply for credit exemption.

2007-05-13 22:13:31 補充:
如果不可以, 就唔駛諗. 如果可以, 然後才到http://www.ise.polyu.edu.hk/academic_program/bsciqm/main.htmclick 每一科 compulsory subject 及 elective, 你可以開到個 syllabus 出來, 然後和你以前所讀的 higher diploma in engineering management 和 higher certificate in manufacturing engineering 每一科的 syllabus 比較.

2007-05-13 22:13:57 補充:
因為我沒有你已讀的 syllabus, 你要自己比較, 如果睇落覺得夾的話方才可以 apply for credit exemption, 否則只會浪費時間.

2007-05-13 22:14:58 補充:
睇返 http://www.ise.polyu.edu.hk/academic_program/bsciqm/main.htm假設你想 exempt Year 1 的 Introduction to Marketing, 你可在 Form AS41c 的 1st column 填 MM2711, 2nd column 填 Introduction to Marketing, 3rd column 填 3 credits.

2007-05-13 22:15:27 補充:
4th and 5th column 填你以前讀的 high dip 或 high cert 課程及你打算用來頂的科目名稱, 6th column 填你果一科考到的成績 (grade), 7th column 填你這一科相等於你 high dip 或 high cert 幾多 credit (其實係無意思的), 8th column 填你修畢這一科的年份.

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