red blood cells算不算living cells?

2007-05-08 9:32 pm
red blood cells算不算living cells? They don't contain nucleus.....

What is the defination of dead cells?

回答 (3)

2007-05-08 11:15 pm
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First of all, to define a cell as 'living' it must be able to undergo some extent of biological activity (metabolism).
Red blood cells contain enzymes to catalyze the oxyhaemoglobin /haemoglobin conversion. It also contain enzymes that catalyzes the carbon dioxide / bicarbonate conversion. Hence, although without a nucleus, red blood cells do undergo metabolic activities, therefore, according to our definition, it should be considered as 'living'.
2007-05-11 5:12 pm
I would consider RBCs as living cells.
Their life span is around 120 days,after that they will be destroyed in the spleen.
2007-05-08 10:39 pm
Before red blood cell mature, it contain nucleus.
Once they are mature, then no nucleus.

Dead cells have no biological activity due to without nucleus to control.
Immature red blood cell: living cell
Mature red blood cell: Dead cell

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