香港飛美國,哪裡轉機好些? 如果在漢城,需要那裡的簽證才可以過關嗎

2007-05-08 8:42 pm
香港飛美國,哪裡轉機好些? 如果在漢城,需要那裡的簽證才可以過關嗎

回答 (3)

2007-05-10 7:12 am
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如果有中華人民共和國香港特別行政區既特區護照就可以在首爾/仁川免簽證,如果得BNO就要同第一位阿生講既VISA果段一樣 。我推介韓亞航空比你(凌晨機),大約00:30(預定時間)起飛,OZ 724 ,如果你住係陽明山莊既話,你就在9點撘的士去機場客運大樓1,然後走去H行段,再入北方閘檢證件 ,再Chau 一 Chau D行李, 行到去登機證所指既閘口登機就完成。

2007-05-09 10:52 pm
It depends on which airline and what country you are doing transfer.

For most Asian countries you don't need a VISA. However a transfer VISA is needed for some countries, like US. For Seoul, it does not require a transfer VISA.

For airlines it is also depends. For example, Cathay Pacific allows leaving the plane on some flights in some countries, like HKG -> TPE -> NRT, passengers can leave the plane in TPE. However, HKG -> BKK -> KHI, passengers are not allowed to leave the plane.

For American based airlines and some European airlines when you leave the plane, you have to go for a security check again when you board the plane at transfer.

Personally I think Seoul or Tokyo are good airports for transfer.
參考: personal experience
2007-05-08 8:50 pm
在任何國家轉機係唔需要當地 visa 的. 因你只在禁區內嘛, 又唔出境. 轉機一般等2-3小時啦. 我試過經新加坡飛倫敦. 等一個鐘多 D 咋. 好快! 坐一陣又上機 lak. 亦試過去澳洲時, 又係響新加坡轉機. 個日要等5個幾鐘. 我家姐黎新加坡機場同我 dinner. (她移民當地了) 咁我都可以出既. 不過再入閘就要比一次當地機場稅 lor. 你要睇番當地海關既情況 la. 好似日本, 轉機的你可72小時內出境玩下而冇需 visa 嘛. (因以前港人往日本一定要 visa ka ma)

anyway, 視乎你係邊個國家轉機 lor. 但坐大韓, 你 lum lum 先喎. 佢地係10大高危航空公司之一.

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