
2007-05-08 6:37 pm



(> < 但冇佢o係身邊,我覺得做咩都變得失去色彩)

回答 (5)

2007-05-08 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had this kind of experience. Don't worry. You are not alone.

1) Think of something that you really like to do. Force yourself to do it. (I like massage, facial, going to salon, watchingmovies alone..etc)
2) Try not to ask bf too many questions. I liked to make clear a lot of things. But I tried not to called him and asked him anything, at least not all the time. I changed my attitude and only concern, no complaints (its hard but I forced myself to do it). My bf feel I have changed then he began to talk to me more.
3) I let my bf go to anywhere he wants (before I do not want him to do that and also crying and want him to stay with me..etc) He was scared, but now I changed then he began to hold my hand again and go out with me.
4) Try to think positive and optimistic. If you always think negatively, then you won't feel happy. Think positive, then you will feel happy. There is a book call "Be happy to be yourself". Read it , do it and you will find yourself different. Also, another book called "戀愛的不安". I read it and I found that I do not see myself need to really stick on my bf.

If you still not feeling good, please call 2382 0000 (24 hours) or Monday to Friday (2:00pm - 10:00pm) at 2772 0047 (press 1 , then press 9) to talk to those counsellors. They might be able to help you.

Its a long road when you have relationship with your a guy. But the most of all, when you find out you really love him, you will let go. I hope all these words can help and make you feel better.

Last thing, you can also pray to Jesus. He is always there to listen to you and accompany you. You are not alone. May God Bless you and Jesus loves you.

You can also email me at [email protected]
2007-05-08 11:27 pm
害怕失去...好有共嗚嘅一句說話, 但我諗...我比你更害怕...你過去拍過7次拖, 我拍過10次拖, haha ~ 由讀書到上年10月, 從來都未試過自己一個人, 初初果幾個月, 心情真係好底落, 又成日都會埋怨點解我次次都會遇到d衰人, 個個都係瞞我, 呃我, 欺騙我...有女友, 有老婆...咩人都遇過...前幾個月, 我同你一樣都覺得自己每日都渾渾噩噩, 但...我終於想通了...唔再怨天尤人, 好好反醒自己, 我終於發覺...我錯了! 錯在太害怕孤獨, 太害怕寂寞…以前因為怕自己一個人, 所以次次一分手就好快會同第二個一齊, 跟本就分唔清楚自己係咪真係愛對方, 更加唔清楚對方有幾愛自己, 咁嘅關係又點會有好結果呢?

其實一個人嘅生活都可以過得好好, 甚至可以比以前更充實, 有好多未做過嘅野都可以去做, 唔駛同任何人交代…就好似剪頭髮噤簡單, 以前拍拖d男友一定唔比我剪短, 但而家鍾意點都得! 去街去夜左, 冇人會管住自己, 都唔錯丫! 其實自己生活得開唔開心, 只係睇自己點諗, 用唔同嘅角度, 感覺已經會好唔同啦! 當然一個人會有寂寞嘅時候, 但可以搵fd陪架嘛! 對於一個對感情失去信心嘅我, 我覺得最好就係積極充實自己, 做一d自己鍾意做嘅野, 識多d朋友最重要, “男友未必會長久, 但家人同朋友可以係一世架!” 即使你而家有bf, 都應該keep多d朋友, 唔好比自己太依賴佢, 咁樣即使有日真係要失去, 都只會係失去你生活嘅一個部份, 而唔會係全部嘛!

你啱啱先拍拖, 點解噤快諗失去?? 既然你同得佢一齊, 就相信佢吧! 忘記過去, 珍惜現在, 展望將來!!

P.S: 你要記住 ~ 人係為自己而生存, 二個人一起可以好開心, 即使自己一個都可以好開心架! 祝你能得到真正的幸福, 唔會再失去!
2007-05-08 8:52 pm
2007-05-08 7:47 pm
如果根本就振作不來 咁妳有冇去諗下問題所在呢 七段感唔係小數 但都仲要感覺會失敗 會唔會係妳自己本身嘅問題 以其去逃避或將精神放喺第二度 不如揾出固中原因改進 雖然都有人冇戀愛唔會死 但咁樣人生會少咗好多樂趣同期待
2007-05-08 6:48 pm
朋友我覺得係一樣好野, 起碼唔會令自己傷心流淚, 重可以一班人玩好多野, 打麻雀, 打機乜都得, 人多食野夾錢都平好多啦!!

朋友多, 社交圈子大, 根本就唔會行屍走肉, 因為真係好多野可以做, 鍾意0既帶埋男朋友去, 但係當然最緊要係放膽去識朋友啦....

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