***URGENT*** 如果interviewer問你點解唔做之前個份工??

2007-05-08 6:04 pm
我做電子sales 既, 而家想轉marketing既工, 因為我唔中意做sales.
我覺得咁答佢又唔係咁好....應該點答會好d呢? 或者作其他既原因?


回答 (3)

2007-05-09 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
you dun need to afraid becasue u are doing electronics sales. Sales is a part of marketing activtives. You are pleasant, talkative, combined marketing knowledge, I am sure u can get this job.
2007-05-09 12:17 am

你要攪清楚: 有好多公司的marketing都係要做埋sales, 除非你肯定佢係純marketing, 唔使搵客啦.
2007-05-08 6:19 pm
i think sales is not suitable for me, I am interested in marketing~

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