Did they forget?

2007-05-07 9:30 am
Or just choose to ignore? This century we've seen muslims killing muslims and attacking nonmuslims. But are the following Islam? According to many things in the Quran, no. There are verses that speak about killing ,but the verses around them speak of the other party attacking first, breaking peace treaties, and plans to do harm. Followed by those verses are others stating that if people don't fight you for religion, don't fight them, and if they do, fight back but stop and live in peace the moment the stop.

What do you think of the following quote?

“You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Yikes, yet another uneducated bigot. I didn't know that being a muslim terrorist was in the DNA of Germans and Irish.

回答 (15)

2007-05-07 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Noble Verse 5:32 "...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people..."

How could we deny this?? i would say they are ignorant to their religion and thats why practising this violence !!
2007-05-07 4:33 pm
i think thats great

i wish ppl would stop thinking that all muslims are evil bombers

those who do terrible things are not following islam. just trying to make out that all the terrible stuff they do is in the quran. its not as you said

God bless
2007-05-07 4:37 pm
Great quote. Unfortunately the people who are calling the shots have chosen to ignore your quote.They seem to be completely into watching a little boy cut off some unfortunate victims head instead. Harsh example I know, but that will be what people remember.
2007-05-07 4:43 pm
I don't want to say this, kids start breaking rules at school, employees steal from their company, husbands cheat on their wives, and we have people breaking our law every day.

Did these peopele forget? No.
2007-05-07 4:40 pm
The Bible long said it, before any confessed muslim ever did, as it is written, "Pray for those who persecute you and spitefully use you" and again, "Don't pay evil with evil, but reward evil with good, then you will be like your father who is in heaven. For he allows his light on the good and the bad alike."
2007-05-07 4:38 pm
Gee! What a shock! Sounds suspiciously like Christianity, AND Buddhism, and Hinduism, and almost EVERY "other religion".

Would be good if the religious "fan clubs" just listened to what was trying to be said, and then did the right thing.

But, since they can't, we will continue to have religious wars, et al.

Best thing....get rid of RELIGION totally.
2007-05-09 2:32 am
In my opinion people who do that are not really Muslims, they just want to distort the picture of Islam and Muslims.
2007-05-08 12:12 pm
Muslims killing muslims?
I think you're talking about sunni vs shia in Iraq, right?
Yeah, it's a pitty that some muslims think they're right, and everybody else is wrong. Sunni think their denomination is right and others is wrong, while shia think their denomination is the only true follower of Muhammad and Ahl Bait. I don't know exactly why sunni and shia in Iraq hate one another so they would kill each other.

Muslims attacking non-muslims?
I guess you were right.
That radical muslims seem to believe in particular verses (e.g. Koran 47:4) but ignore some "peaceful" verses such as Koran 8:61.
2007-05-07 11:44 pm
In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Today we know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the
world and all praise is to Allah the almighty who is doing the
Job for us.We have not much to be proud about our behavior
and ways which are against the teachings of the Quran and the sunnah of the prophet Muhammad [pbuh].We have to blame ourselves for the bad publicity against Islam.

But another truth staring us in the face is the evil of the non
believers who will not hesitate to malign islam the Quran and
the prophet [pbuh] at the slightest opportunity.They read a
translation of the Quran trying to find faults in it and quote
verses out of context without knowing what exactly Allah the
almighty is trying to convey.This is because the non muslims
are so programmed to accept false doctrines and ways of
life that are not realistic that they just cannot recognise the truth even if it is presented to them on a silver platter.

The non belivers are like wolves in sheeps clothing.If the
hindus look at their scriptures they will find in it more voilence
present in it than the Quran.In the bible also there are instances of voilence and commands from Jesus to pick up
the sword and fight the infedels .There are so many active
hindu and christian terrorist organisations present who will
put muslim voilent activites to shame but no body talks about
them.Today the christian contries are attacking weak Muslim
contries and killing Millions of Muslims world wide yet no one
speaks about them.Recently a christian man gunned down
32 innocent children but within a few days everything has
quitened down.It is only when Muslims commit crimes that it
is played back again and again on the news channels and the
news media.

Muslims should not be apologitic but rather turn the tables over and make the unbelievers to look at the **** in their own backyards.
2007-05-07 4:34 pm
That quote makes me think "Hey, nice dress!"

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