
2007-05-08 7:42 am
1) The innocent party

2) This enables the court to look at the consequences of the breach, as opposed to the status of the term which has been broken

3) A condition that the goods are reasonably fit for their purpose

4) A right of indemnity

5) In practice, a guarantor of a business transaction will not rely on this implied right and will specify in his agreement with the principal debtor how and when the liabilities he incurs will be indemnified by the debtor.


回答 (2)

2007-05-08 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The innocent party
無罪的一方 / 無咎的一方

2) This enables the court to look at the consequences of the breach, as opposed to the status of the term which has been broken
讓法庭知道這次違約的後果, 而不僅著眼於違約涉及的條款和如何違約

3) A condition that the goods are reasonably fit for their purpose

4) A right of indemnity

5) In practice, a guarantor of a business transaction will not rely on this implied right and will specify in his agreement with the principal debtor how and when the liabilities he incurs will be indemnified by the debtor.

現實上, 作為商業交易的擔保人, 不會只靠這身份所隱含的權利來保障自己, 他必然會與主要貸方在協議下加註條款, 申明如果自己因作為擔保人而負起任何責任, 可以如何, 並何時向貸方索賠

2007-05-08 15:04:53 補充:
哎, 寫完才想起問, 是譯做中文嗎?
2007-05-09 1:16 am

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