Do you know how to go to Hopewell Centre. Pls explain

2007-05-08 7:33 am
Do you know how to go to Hopewell Centre , pls give me details.

回答 (2)

2007-05-08 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The HOPEWELL-CENTRE locates at the middle portion of Queen's Road East,

all the buses and mini-buses goes through the Q-R-EAST stops nextdoor or opposite

to it. No matter you start from east or west or from Kowloon side, you can get there


Hope this could help.
2007-05-08 7:42 am
Where is your starting point??
If you are in Hong Kong Island , you must travel by citybus route number 10 ( North Point to Kennedy Town ), then you can go to there!!!

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