what is advertising concepts?

2007-05-08 5:56 am
what is advertising concepts?
please give some example .......

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Listed below are brief definitions of jargon and/or terminology of different advertisement concepts as well as miscellaneous jargon. Wherever possible an example is included.
Slang term for someone new to the online marketing scene. Don’t be offended by it, we all start there.
Electronic magazine or Newsletter. They come in many shapes and forms; most common are emails and online publications. Involves subscribing to a particular Ezine. You also have the right to unsubscribe.
Quite simply to opt-in to something, is to subscribe to something. i.e. an Ezine or safelist.
The complete reverse of opt-in. Anything you subscribe to must have a way to unsubscribe by law under the Can-Spam Act (The laws governing email and Spam)
Bulk Mail
The sending of mass emails using a mass mailer software application. It’s ok when you are the owner of the massive list and you have proper subscribers or legally obtained the list of email addresses. But bulk mail is also commonly associated with Spam and illegally harvested email addresses. So if you decide to buy a mailing list, look very carefully at whom you are buying from. There are a lot of cheap mailing lists available that will land you in big trouble. The legitimate email lists generally come with a higher price tag from a reputable company whom has all their contact details available.
Group Mail
Organizations like Topica, Yahoogroups and Smartgroups host lists of group email address that has members in the group. You can also use mass mailer software with these too.
For more information go to our group mail page.
Banner Exchange
Quite simply the exchanging of banner displaying. Every time you display a banner on your website your banner will be shown on another.
For examples go to banner exchange page.
Chain Advertising
A created webpage advert for you on a particular network. Your link goes on top and will get shifted down one place, as your new referrals ad their link inserting their ad on the top spot. In theory everyone promotes their page as much as possible and anyone who signs-up from your page will be issued their own page with your link shifted down one place. Any sign-ups they get will also have your link, and so on, down to X amount of levels. This will translate to tremendous traffic over a period of time.
Here is an example of this concept
Normally JavaScript that activates a pop up advert whilst visiting your website.
Often considered an annoying form of advertising. Nevertheless if used correctly it’s an affective form of getting noticed. There are also the relatively new types of pop-ups called “fly over pop ups”

Multi-Level Marketing
Selling products by using independent distributorships and allowing these distributors to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting, training, supplying, and motivating others to do the same. The distributors' compensation includes their own sales and a percentage of the sales achieved by their downline.
Network Marketing
A business in which a distributor network is needed to build the business. MLM is often also referred to as Network Marketing and visa versa, because the nature in that payouts also occur at more than one level. Network Marketing is sometimes also used incorrectly to indicate that the business uses a network of product suppliers in order to offer a broader selection of products or services. It is usually used this way to differentiate them as a way to suggest that their program is superior.
Affiliate Marketing
A business relationship or an affiliation with a merchant or other service provider who allows you to link to that business. When a visitor clicks on the link usually containing your personal code/id from your site or advert and subsequently makes a purchase from the merchant, you receive a commission based on the amount of the sale. Clickbank merchants are good example.
2008-09-29 2:30 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us

2009-01-16 22:27:46 補充:
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]
2007-05-12 1:43 am
Concept is not importing in advertising, what the most important is taht the ad makes the company turnover increase

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