想問Geography Map reading答法!

2007-05-08 4:54 am
我想問下map reading通常會問d咩?

以我所知就會問下d slope,真實長度,scale
仲有d咩??用英文回答! 愈多愈好

回答 (1)

2007-05-09 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
In map reading,the trainer maybe ask you some question when you stay at the point,they will ask you where are you stay in the map,the slope will ask at the road when you get on the hill or get down.
Then,they will ask you some question for what you can see in the map.For example,the rock,the hill,river etc
Map reading need to use your campass,they will test you are to use it.For example set map,compass red pin turn to north,find where it the right way in the route,confirm where you stay etc
Well,you also need to caucalat the route when the time you need.This is a formula you need to remenber.
The formula is:
Range / 4 + Up or Down countour lines the sum's time(1line per 2MINS) / 500 =need times

The main point is you need to know how to see the countour line.In Hong Kong countries side Map,2 countour line is between 20 meters.And the scale in Hong Kong is
I hope that my hikung skill and orienteering skill can help you!
參考: I'm a frcss(secondary school in fanling) president before andorienteering association of hong kong successful completed lv1 course

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