
2007-05-08 4:15 am
請問5月尾埃及天氣如何? 會否很熱? 有無人5月尾去過可否分享下 ? thx!

回答 (2)

2007-05-08 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
我剛剛4月尾去了埃及,天氣晴朗,於首都開羅日間大約是30度左右,而樂蜀及亞斯旺日間氣溫都超過38度,而於洪加達就比較好一點,大約為30度左右.若你是跟團的話,領隊會安排於早上10:30前及17:00後帶團友出外觀光,因為這時的氣溫稍為緩和.請緊記帶保濕用品,潤膚露及防曬用品.領隊還說5月尾的氣溫一定會超過40度.所以都會比較辛苦.還有請你帶一些乾糧或零食,因為當地的餐膳未必適合每一個人,她是一個回教國家,是沒有豬肉吃的.Enjoy your trip.
參考: 剛剛到過埃及的人
2007-05-08 4:31 am
End of May, the weather will become a little uncomfortably hot, however still tolerable. Better equip with yourself hat that can shade not only your face, but also shoulder, also sun-screen and lots of water is what you need everyday. Basically in Eygpt, people's time clock is different from ours. They usually stay home in afternoon time from 12:00 to 16:00, they start their activities after the sun fall from 17:00 and stay late till mid night. Hope it helps !!! Cheers !!!

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