eddy current係咪有親戚叫edison?

2007-05-08 3:42 am
eddy current係咪有親戚叫edison?

回答 (3)

2007-05-08 6:00 pm
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正確!eddy current 咪說係edison喺火星O既老豆攞!
參考: EDISON 話我知
2007-05-08 10:05 am
An eddy current (also known as Foucault current) is an electrical phenomenon discovered by French physicist Léon Foucault in 1851. It is caused when a moving (or changing) magnetic field intersects a conductor, or vice-versa.


since the physicist that discover eddy current is French but Edison is American...so they don't hv any relationship at all.
2007-05-08 4:24 am
[Eddy] is used here as an adjective, it means swirl, or vortex (旋渦). It has nothing to do with the person's name [Edison].

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