
2007-05-08 3:12 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-08 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
~~~~2007各學系interview及information session日期~~~~



15/5 Civil Engineering
15/5 Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering)
15/5 Civil Engineering (Law)
17/5 Mechanical Engineering
14-16/5 Science
xx/x(section 1) 18/5(section 2) MBBS     
21/5-28/5,12/6-18/6 IETM/LESCM
21-22/5 中醫

10/5 BBA      
18/5 IELM/IEEM   
23/5 QFN
18/5 CS

22/5-??/6 marketing/china business
23/5 BBA Information Systems
23/5 BBA eCommerce

28/5-1/6 Anthropology
21/5 Cultural Studies
12/6 Fine Arts
19/7 Japanese Studies
13/6 Linguistics
4/6 Music
待定(放榜後) Philosophy
待定(放榜後) Religious Studies
9/5 Theology
6月(1st round) 7月(2nd round) Global Business Studies
11/6-15/6 Hotel and Tourism Management
待定(放榜後) Quantitative Finance
6月(1st round) 7月(2nd round) BBA(Law) - JD
21/6(1st round) 13/7(2nd round) Language Education
13/7 Physical Education and Sports Science
20/6 English Studies and Education*
待定 Computer Engineering
待定 Computer Science
23/5,25/5(1st round) 14,15/6(2nd round) Electronic Engineering
21/5-22/5 information Engineering
16/5或23/5 Mechanical and Automation Engineering
11/6-29/6 Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
16/6(1st round) 17/7(2nd round,暫定) Medical Studies
待定(放榜後) Pharmacy
待定 Biochemistry
12/6 Biology
待定(暫定放榜後) Chemistry
25/6,暫定 Chinese Medicine
30/4-4/5,暫定 Mathematics
12/5 Physics
15/6(暫定) Risk Management Science
15/6(暫定) Statistics
30/4-4/5(暫定) Mathematics and Information Engineering
12/6-13/6 Economics
5/6 Geography and Resource Management
1/6 Social Work
22/5 Sociology
5月/6月 Legal Studies
12/5 Molecular Biotechnology

2007-05-08 00:56:43 補充:
唔夠位貼~你自己去呢度睇la mini forumhttp://www.miniforum.org/---> 學生聯網---->AL 高考生討論區 ----->~~~~2007各學系interview及information session日期~~~~
2007-05-08 8:02 am
多數係send 信...
不過, 通常都無咁快in, 大部份都係等埋d俾$改第二次gei人先in+!~
當然, 收到的大學資料, 還是看看的好... 雖然有時有d無關痛癢... 加油呀!
參考: 我兩年前係中七生~ 同埋in過好多科~

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 12:04:29
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