
2007-05-08 2:56 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-08 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
狀態a state; condition; a status
投入1.to put in; to throw in; to plunge into; to clap into; to fling into
2.to join (the army, revolutionaries, etc.)
3.to invest in
一致1.identical(ly); in unanimity; in chorus; in concert; in (good) tune
2.agreement; a coincidence
3.to agree with
啦啦隊1.a cheer squad
主席a chairman; a chairwoman; a chairperson; a chair; a president
讚揚1.to praise warmly; to glorify; to exalt
2.commendation; glorification
體格 the physique or build of a person
品格character (of people); personality
宣告to declare; to announce; to proclaim
開辦to start; to establish; to set up; to run
手工藝handicraft; arts and crafts
2007-05-09 12:58 am
狀態 ---1.外貌或神情。2.狀況、情形。

投入 ---1.擲入、丟入。2.心意專注。

齊心合力 ---團結心志與力量,共同達成目標。

一致 ---趨向合一。

啦啦隊 ---競賽時,在旁邊加油、歡呼、吶喊助陣的隊伍。

口號 ---1.供口頭呼喊,帶有綱領性和鼓動作用的簡短句子。2.口頭暗號。3.不起草稿,隨口吟成的詩文。4.含有讚頌性質的讚美詩。多指獻給皇帝的頌詩。5.打油詩或順口溜。

主席 ---1.主持會議進行並維持秩序的人。2.委員制的黨政機關組織,稱其領袖為主 席。3.宴會時主人所坐的位次。

嘉賓 ---1.尊稱來賓。2.雀。

讚揚 ---讚美、稱揚。

體格 ---1.身體的發育情形和健康狀況。2.詩文的體例格調。3.體態。

品格 ---1.品行人格。2.品評文學、藝術作品的質量與風格。

宣告 ---宣布、公告。

開辦 ---創辦。

手工藝 ---具有技術性、藝術性的手工技藝。

參考: 教育部國語辭典:
2007-05-08 3:06 am
狀態:a state; condition; a status

投入:1.to put in; to throw in; to plunge into; to clap into; to fling into
   2.to join (the army, revolutionaries, etc.)
   3.to invest in

齊心合力:to be of one mind

一致:1.identical(ly); in unanimity; in chorus; in concert; in (good) tune
   2.agreement; a coincidence
   3.to agree with

啦啦隊:a cheer squad

口號:1.a slogan; a watchword; a battle cry; a war cry
   2.[軍隊] an oral command

主席:.a chairman; a chairwoman; a chairperson; a chair; a president

主禮:rites; a ceremony

嘉賓:1.guests and visitors

讚揚:1.to praise warmly; to glorify; to exalt
   2.commendation; glorification

體格:the physique or build of a person

品格:character (of people); personality

宣告:to declare; to announce; to proclaim

開辦:to start; to establish; to set up; to run

手工藝 :handicraft; arts and crafts

2007-05-10 19:46:42 補充:
I'm sorry! I misunderstanded...
參考: e-dictionary

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