✔ 最佳答案
狀態a state; condition; a status
投入1.to put in; to throw in; to plunge into; to clap into; to fling into
2.to join (the army, revolutionaries, etc.)
3.to invest in
一致1.identical(ly); in unanimity; in chorus; in concert; in (good) tune
2.agreement; a coincidence
3.to agree with
啦啦隊1.a cheer squad
主席a chairman; a chairwoman; a chairperson; a chair; a president
讚揚1.to praise warmly; to glorify; to exalt
2.commendation; glorification
體格 the physique or build of a person
品格character (of people); personality
宣告to declare; to announce; to proclaim
開辦to start; to establish; to set up; to run
手工藝handicraft; arts and crafts