
2007-05-08 1:58 am
用英文write一篇about healthy的文章,唔好太深


回答 (2)

2007-05-08 6:04 pm
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是功課嗎? 可以給你一些提示, 可是功課還得自己做
How to live a healthy life
We want to live healthily because we want to have the energy to do what we want to do.
To live a healthy life, one must eat well and rest well. Exercise is also important.
Eating well is not equaled to eating much. A healthy person eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegitables, but little snacks. Snacks are not good for health because they contain too much fat, flavoring and preservatives.
Exercising keeps us healthy and fit. Swimming, jogging and playing ball games are good exercise.
Good hygiene is also important for health. A clean living environment keeps us from germs that cause diseases. We wash our hands before eating and after going to toilet. It keeps us from dangerous germs.
An unhealthy way of living makes a person weak and easy to fall ill. When we are ill, we do not have the energy to do things we want to do, such as learning and having fun with our friends and family.

2007-05-08 4:44 am

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