
2007-05-08 1:25 am

The purpose of writing the leaflet is 比香港人更加認識香港有名既地方.


回答 (8)

2007-05-08 11:46 pm
The purpose of writing the leaflet is
to let Hong Kong people know more about the famous places in Hong Kong.
===or ===
The purpose of writing the leaflet is
to promote the famous local places to Hong Kong people.

If you want to combine the two sentences together, you may write like this:
The purpose of writing the leaflet is to let Hong Kong people know more about the famous places in Hong Kong by promoting the famous local places to them.

其實如果你想translate 句子∕單字…… 你可以用 google翻譯http://translate.google.com/translate_t
2007-05-08 1:36 am
The purpose of writing the leaflet is to let Hong Kong people know more about the famous places in Hong Kong.

(I'm assuming that your 地方 means "places". Because 地方 can mean an aspect too. Like what HK is famous for.)

There're no difficult words in the translation, I think :-)
2007-05-08 1:34 am
The purpose of writing the leaflet is let people know more about the famous travel spots in Hong Kong.

2007-05-07 17:53:47 補充:
你想講, 你想用張宣傳單張介紹多些地方給人去玩是不是? 想多些人認識香港, 可以用:The purpose of writing the leaflet is let Hong Kong people know more famous place of Hong Kong.如果想介紹其他外國人來香港玩,可以用:The purpose of writing the leaflet is let people know more about the famous travel spots in Hong Kong. 你是想介紹俾什麼人, 你自己要想清楚呀!
2007-05-08 1:33 am
The purpose of writing the leaflet is to allow HK people understand more about the famous places in Hong Kong.
參考: Myself
2007-05-08 1:33 am
The purpose of writing the leaflet is
to promote the famous places to Hong Kong people.


The purpose of writing the leaflet is
to let Hong Kong people knowing more about HK.
2007-05-08 1:30 am
The purpose of writing the leaflet is to let more HK people know more about the famous area in HK.
2007-05-08 1:30 am
2007-05-08 1:28 am

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