
2007-05-08 1:17 am
要接受新的文化,例如去到 其他國冢生活,例如usa,我們要吃西餐的次數多了,吃中菜也相反少了,為要迎合當地文化,我們的lifestyle因此而有所改變;另外如去到一些窮困的地方,那裹連一些運動用品都沒有,因北會喜愛運動的人lifestyle有改變。
當一個繁華的社會變成衰落的時候,例如financial crisis in 1997,有些人由冨貴變成窮困,以前每日都會食些貴的食物,現在吃一些飽的東西就ok,因社會情况不同,因此他的lifestyle都有所改變。

回答 (3)

2007-05-08 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
To accept the new culture, for example, go to other countries mound life, such as usa, we eat Western food more often. eat Chinese cuisine is also contrary less, in order to meet the local culture, our lifestyle has changed so; Also, as to some of the poorest areas, then wrapped even some sporting goods are not, North will be loved by the sports lifestyle change. Suddenly some accidents such as a traffic accident pants can not walk or other activities, If you like to play football before, now there will be nothing, thereby depriving lifestyle change. Character : You experienced some of the things that you changed the character, personality change and make your views style changes. When a prosperous society into a decline when For example, financial crisis in 1997, some people from your Chou into poverty, Fresh daily before some of your food, eat some bun things as the community is different, ok His lifestyle had changed.
2007-05-08 2:12 am
usa 美國
lifestyle 生活方式
financial crisis 經濟危機
ok 可以

2007-05-08 1:21 am
go Yahoo 字典
參考: me

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