runescape in wild

2007-05-08 12:53 am
what is the best things to prepare in runescape member to go to wildreness and kill users and alive.strong users!

to go to the wild i think i a team and a posion weopon like posion dragon dagger is the one of the besst ones,but i do not know how to get?i just have dragon dagger,food(monk fish)and some a bit weak amour to go to wild

回答 (4)

2007-05-11 1:55 am
1. Abyssal Whip
2. Prayer Potion
3. Super Energy Potion
4. Sharks
2007-05-09 6:37 pm
that's easy!!

1. bring three things only( if you are not too powerful!)

2. bring fodd if you have

3. call your runescape team, friend or clan members to help you

you can know more by sending email to [email protected]

hope this will help you
2007-05-08 9:14 pm
Bring food,weapon,sceptre skull(use for escape)arrow and bow
2007-05-08 1:53 am
1.members will go to wildy lvl 49,when they see free world players,because free world players can't go to wildy lvl 49,so the member can use mage or ranged to kill them

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