
2007-05-07 11:15 pm
熊 膽 是 名 貴 中 藥 , 被 認 為 有 清 熱 解 毒 、 治 療 熱 症 、 肝 病 、 和 眼 腫 等 功 效 , 所 以 一 直 有 捕 殺 黑 熊 入 藥 的 做 法 , 但 過 度 捕 殺 令 亞 洲 黑 熊 面 臨 絕 種 。沒 有 代 用 品 ﹖熊 膽 雖 有 醫 藥 用 途 , 但 是 否 沒 有 代 替 品 ﹖ 現 時 至 少 有 五 十 四 種 草 藥 與 熊 膽 有 相 同 的 療 效 , 入 藥 時 絕 對 可 以 採 用 這 些 草 藥 來 取 代 熊 膽 。 此 外 , 很 多 研 究 顯 示 : 豬 、 牛 、 羊 的 膽 和 熊 膽 的 成 份 大 致 相 同 。 熊 膽 之 所 以 特 別 受 青 睞 , 恐 怕 是 「 物 以 稀 為 貴 」 外 , 便 別 無 其 他 原 因 了 。

回答 (3)

2007-05-08 12:24 am
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The bear's gall is the precious Chinese native medicine, was considered has alleviates fever the disintoxicating, treats the hot symptoms, 肝病, and the eye swells and so on the effect, therefore always has captures and kills the black bear procedure, but excessively captures and kills makes the Asian black bear faced with 絕 the kind. Does not have the substitute item ﹖ bear's gall although to have the medicine use, but whether doesn't have the substitute commodity ﹖ present at least to have 54 kind of herbal medicines and the bear's gall has the same curative effect, when tmay use these herbal medicines to substitute for the bear's gall. In addition, very many research demonstrated that, The pig, the cow, sheep's gallbladder and the bear's gall ingredient is approximately same. The bear's gall therefore specially receives favours, perhaps is "the when a thing is rare, it becomes precious" outside, then no other other reasons.
2007-05-08 1:05 am
2007-05-08 12:30 am
Bear's gallbladder is the famous and precious traditional Chinese medicine, thought to clear away heat to detoxify, treat the hot disease , liver diseases , and the efficiency that the eyes are swollen ,etc., so has been catching and killing the method that the black bear is being used as medicine all the time , but excessive hunting makes the Asian black bear face becoming extinct. Are not there substitutes ? Although bear's gallbladder has medical uses, do not have substitutes ? To small to have 54 Luo medical herbs and bear gallbladder have the same curative effect now, may adopt these medical herbs is it replace bear gallbladder to come definitely when using as medicine. In addition, much research shows: The pig, the ox, the gallbladder of the sheep and composition of bear's gallbladder are roughly the same. Bear's gallbladder is especially favored, I'm afraid it is outside [when a thing is scarce, it is precious ], have other reasons.

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