Has anyone tried the BEAUTY FOREVER spa????

2007-05-07 9:01 pm
They are doing the $188 promotion for massage, scrub, hair massage and spa. Has anyone tried them or literally bought a package already?? Please share your experience. Thank you.

回答 (3)

2007-05-13 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I gave my mum a big treat at beauty forever spa for the mother's day present and she tried the $388 package. My mum loves the environment there and she truly enjoys it, but the staff there is really good at selling and they will ask u to buy courses.

So if you can afford, i think beauty forever is a good place ge. =)
參考: my experience
2009-04-16 5:15 am
佢地sell唔到我join新course, 就sell我買product, 都幾貴, 我見yahoo拍賣場有得買, 平好多, d貨源可能一樣................
2007-05-21 11:55 pm
上年試做388 promotion 之後join 咗massage, 起初服務一般沒有hard sell 旦幾次之後成日sell facial 雖然我話出面仲有facial 做緊佢就勁話出面手勢唔好, 每次finish 之後都扣押我係房不停sell, 終於抵受唔住開咗一個8000旦係貪得無厭下次去又叫我加錢upgrade, 好煩.
約定下次做乜facial 去到又話叫你試新野扣成千幾元一次facial 都有試過, 跟住又話不如今次free 比你開多個乜乜facial.
我想快啲完晒啲course 唔知有冇機會......

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