
2007-05-07 6:38 pm

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2007-05-07 6:40 pm
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黃埔軍校英文係 Whampoa Military Academy
The Nationalist Party of China Army Officer Academy (Simplified Chinese: 中国国民党陆军军官学校; Traditional Chinese: 中國國民黨陸軍軍官學校; pinyin: Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng Lùjūn Jūnguān Xuéxiào), commonly known as the Whampoa Military Academy (Traditional Chinese: 黃埔軍校; pinyin: Huángpŭ Jūnxiào), was a military academy in China that produced many prestigious commanders who fought in many of China's conflicts in the 20th century, notably the Northern Expedition, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the Chinese Civil War.
The military academy was officially opened on June 16, 1924 under the Kuomintang (KMT) but first lessons began on May 1, 1924. The inauguration was on Chengzhou Island offshore from the Whampoa dock in Guangzhou, thus earning its common name. During the inaugural ceremonies, Sun Yat-sen delivered a speech that was later to become of the lyrics of the national anthem of the Republic of China.
2007-05-08 1:08 am

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