IBM windows xp 一問...急 (20分)

2007-05-07 4:53 pm
買咗原廠ibm 機跟win xp, 現開到機入唔到windows, 我知可以recover 番原本的win xp. 但有一問題想知就係, 如果裝咗翻版win xp, ibm 裡的原裝win xp 是否已經冇咗.

回答 (5)

2007-05-07 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
IBM 會將硬碟的一部份設為revocer之用, 於磁碟管理中你應可以看到硬碟會分為兩部份(假設你沒有再將硬碟分割)。

但是假若你安裝新XP後 (我對翻版沒有任何反對, 純粹從技術角度出發), 安裝時會詢問你怎樣分割硬碟, 其時有可能會將該部份刪除, 那麼便不能回復IBM原廠之XP了。
不過, 一般安裝程序不能刪除該部份硬碟, 因為IBM會將該部份隱藏, 你記得安裝時的程序嗎?

不過若你真的發現不能作Recover, 那亦不用緊張, 因為買廠機通常都會有一隻Recovery CD 附送, 不過近年IBM被聯想收購, 不知會不會連Recovery CD都省回。

如果在保養期內可免費(我想不包郵費)獲得, 如果唔想俾錢, 試下BT, 我見過網上有得Download. (例子:

看看以下網址吧 (找不到中文)
How can I get a Product Recovery CD or DVD?
2007-05-07 7:08 pm
如果你唔係講你 d data, 答案係 "係" 你個正版已經唔存在, 因為你已經 overwrite 個 windows, 之不過, 如果你有同一個版本既 windows 而又有條 key, 你都可以改返或者唔改都得, 因為你已經有 license, 之但係 bundle 既 windows 通常都無 key, 所以建議你用返正版啦!
2007-05-07 5:37 pm
If you have not formated your harddisk, there should be restoration information on your hard disk for you to recover your system to working conditons so try the following to restore your PC to IBM Fty conditions:

Instructions/Steps to reinstall Windows XP:

1. Backup personal data and files
2. Unplug lan cable and other peripherals such as printer, scanner, pen power, web cam, etc.
3. Perform product recovery and press F11 to reinstall Windows. (Tip 31-1c).
4. Setup internet connection (Please consult with your Internet Service Provider for steps/instructions).
5. Download Security Patch for Windows XP KB835732 (Tip 39-25c) & KB826939 (Tip 39-26c)
6. Install Security Patch for Windows XP KB825732 & KB826939 (Tip 39-25c & Tip 39-26c Part 2 )
7. Do Windows Update. Click Start -> All Programs -> Windows Update
8. Install/Setup Norton AntiVirus.
9. Do Live Update to update the latest virus definition and use Norton AntiVirus to scan your computer.
2007-05-07 5:18 pm
Most IBM computers have restore partition to store the recovery information, which allows for the computer to restore to factory default (that means just like when it is leaving the factory).

If you install Windows without formating the harddisk you can try restore it using the restore partition. However if you have formatted the harddisk during installation the restore partition mostly likely was lost.

You can try make a set of recovery CD from a machine that is same model and type (of course provided the machine is using factory settings, that is with original loaded Windows). Or if you are the original owner of your IBM you can contact Lenovo Support for borrowing a copy of the Recovery CD. Here is a link for the related information :

Hope this helps.
2007-05-07 5:06 pm
有可能比翻版"冚"咗.你可以uninstalled翻版win xp,再試吓recover 番原本的win xp.

參考: MY EXP

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