
2007-05-07 10:07 am
2 。hostle 可否去到先即時WALK-IN,定係要先BOOK定


回答 (2)

2007-05-07 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 機票/酒店既價格佔你旅行budget 大部分, 扣除呢d 價格睇下淨番既錢夠唔夠你用
(依家都5月la wor......?)
2. hostle -- 英國有BnB, 德國有gasthouse, 一定要book 定先!! 加上book左你先知你仲有幾多錢可以用
3. train pass 一定要買, 最好買包哂所以transport 既travel card (UK), wochen karte (germany) <--如果係德國留夠4-5日, wochen karte 抵d
4. 真係好睇你想睇風景/行街/睇博物館 (專睇博物館既記得買travel card 個陣買埋任去博物館唔駛錢個d
5.危唔危險...好睇你本身自己出過外國未...去到英國, 係街道俾某d人鬧兩鬧會唔會唔開心係度喊? 去到法國, d 人扮唔識英文唔理你(你又唔識法文), 咁點算? 德國, 基本上冇咩大問題, 驚Nazi 黨lor, 不過見你一個女仔最多鬧下你, 唔會有咩"行動" <---我試過,我都係女仔
參考: 自己係英國住, 係德國住左2年
2007-05-08 1:34 am
1. May is not a peak season and so the flight ticket may not be too expensive. Your budget can be enough if you do not need to eat very well and stay in hostel / 2 star hotel.
2. You can walk-in for some hostels but of course booking in advance is better.
3. I suggest you to buy eurail ticket as it is very convenient to travel to any cities you like, provided that you got the appropriate eurail ticket. There are many types of ticket and you can buy the most economic / suitable one for your trip.
4. 15 days is not too much for such 3 big countries. I think you can spend equal time for these countries since each has many things to see. For UK, London must go. For France, Paris must go.For Germany, Berlin must go. But it depends on the route you travel and may have to change to other cities.
5. Not too dangerous if you are alert at all times and avoid going out late at night.

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