
2007-05-07 7:17 am
e.g. a whale / an elephart / a mouse

An elephart is bigger then a mouse.
A whale is the biggest.

1 ) The Nile / The Amazon / The Indus

2 ) (歌名) The Rose / First of May / Love

3) The Great Sphnix / The Eiffel Tower / The Colossion

4) (film) E.T. / Titanic / Jurassic Park / Over the Hedge

雖然係好多問題..但係我真係好need 你既help....!!! 多謝T^T

回答 (1)

2007-05-07 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Comparison (比較) as below:
1. Rivers:
The below numerical (數字上的) information is according to Wikipedia.
The Nile (尼羅河) - Approx 6695km length.
The Amazon (阿馬遜河) - Approx 6400km length.
The Indus (印度河) - Approx 3200km length.
The Amazon is longer than the Indus.
The Nile is the longest.
2. Songs:
The below answer is only according to my personal opinion.
" First of May " is more dulcet (悅耳的) than " Love " .
" The Rose " is the most dulcet.
3. Landmark (地標) of the countries:
The Great Sphnix (獅身人面像) in Egypt.
The Eiffel Tower (巴黎鐵塔) in France.
The Colossion (unknown).
The below answer is only according to my personal opinion.
The Eiffel Tower is more historic (具歷史性的) than the Colossion.
The Great Sphnix is the most historic.
4. Films:
E.T. / Titanic (鐵達尼號) / Jurassic Park (侏羅紀公園) / Over the Hedge (四條腿拯救隊)


" Over the Hedge " photo sourced fm:
The below answer is according to my assumption (估計) to the film profitability (收益).
" E.T. " is popular than " Jurassic Park " .
" Titanic " is the most popular.
" Over the Hedge " is the least popular.
參考: 數據資料參考自維基百科

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