Some questions about MSN

2007-05-07 7:08 am
新用户加入 MSN ,會唔會彼人睇到?我唔想 di 壞人 add 我。
點樣 delete 個 MSN account?

回答 (1)

2007-05-07 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
D人想add 你都要你答"yes"才add 到.你如果唔想比人add,你可以選擇答"REFUSE"的.
另外,可以在控制台內Add or remove program到移除yahoo messenger,但要小心,移除後,你會冇咗Yahoo ID.

Pls check the following for detail:

How can I cancel Yahoo! Messenger?

Terminating your account means you'll lose access to the Yahoo! ID, Yahoo! Messenger, and profile names associated with it. If that is your intention, please continue reading. However, if you are only looking to uninstall Yahoo! Messenger, click here for those instructions. If you wish to cancel your Yahoo! account, please continue reading.

When deleting a Yahoo! account, we'll also delete the account data and settings across the Yahoo! network. This includes any contents in:

Yahoo! Mail
Yahoo! Address Book
Yahoo! HotJobs
Yahoo! Briefcase
My Yahoo!
Yahoo! Groups
Finance Portfolio
Any other area of Yahoo! that can only be accessed with your Yahoo! ID and password
Be sure you want to delete your entire account, as you won't be able to reactivate it after the account has been deleted. You're always welcome to sign up again for a new account.

2-How do I uninstall Yahoo! Messenger?

If you are looking to uninstall Yahoo! Messenger but keep your Yahoo! ID, just follow these steps:

a-From your desktop, click Start and select Control Panel

(you may need to select Settings and then Control panel depending on your version of Windows).

b-Double click on Add or Remove Programs.

c-In the list of programs, click once on Yahoo! Messenger.

d-Click the Change/Remove button.

e-After initialization for uninstall, click the Finish button.

Done… Yahoo! Messenger will now be uninstalled from your machine.
參考: Yahoo MSN -HELP

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