Please help write about myself for my school yearbook!(20)

2007-05-07 5:48 am
Please help write about myself for my school yearbook in 80 words. You should include these things below:
1. Describe yourself and what you like doing.
2. Say what you will miss about your primary school.
3. Give your friends your favouritepiece of advice.

回答 (2)

2007-05-07 5:57 am
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In the few years in the pimary school.The time haven't waste.I learn lots of thing and even I can get the frendship in there.
I like playing in recess.I can play with my friends free.But be have to pay attention in the classroom.
I miss the things that I have to do in the class.Like listen to the teacher.So from now on I will hear my friend's advice.I will pay more attention and stop playing durnning in class.

2007-05-06 21:59:52 補充:
下次不懂問老師嘛~!不然你學不到的~**第6行第4個字是 f r i e n d s h i p即是友誼***不是朋友呀~不同的
2007-05-07 1:06 pm
In view of my time in the primary school, my favourite subject is English and that what I do the best. I also enjoy after class activities such as sport games.

I’ll definitely miss my music teacher, she is very nice and I enjoy the music lesson when we can sing and play instruments together.

I hope to keep in touch with all my friends, no matter where they go. Keep working hard and we’ll reach our goal one day.

*** Exactly 80 words, Hope it helps ^>^ ***

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