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Chocolate gives you vigor and energy
Doctors in America have discovered chocolate contains a substance that resembles narcotics in stimulating the brain. At the same time, it holds two other elements which can lengthen the effects of the brain-stimulating substance. It is these three ingredients, working together with caffeine and cocoa, that make people vibrant and lively but without the defect of getting addicted as is the case of narcotics.
Chocolate works against depression and improves memory
Chocolate contains magnesium that serves to overcome depression, enhance memory, strengthen our immune system, and relieve pressure. This according to the findings by Japanese scientists. After years of research, a working group at Tokyo University is of the opinion that people with a daily intake of 25 to 50 grams of chocolates are happy, have a strong immune system, and less prone to cancer and ulcer.
2007-05-08 20:44:06 補充:
看上面網友的答案應該不是用軟件翻譯, 如果 Longman Translation Dictionary 是本字典, 應該好得多。不過, 不少字詞似乎譯錯了, 查字典應不會的。例如, ‘美國醫生’ 只是普通名詞, 不是專有名詞, American Doctor Association 便不對; identical 是 一模一樣、完全相同的意思, 但原文說的是 ‘類似’ (similar 或 resemble);‘咖啡因’ 和 ‘可可’ 是 caffeine 和 cocoa, caffine 不知是什麼字, tobacco 是煙草, 完全不同
2007-05-08 20:53:20 補充:
cigarettes 是 ‘香煙’, 不是 ‘毒品’;potassium 是 ‘鉀’;mental disorder 是精神病, 原文只是 ‘精神壓力’