RuneScape--unfire bowl

2007-05-06 9:36 pm
請問怎樣做unfire bowl?

回答 (3)

2007-05-07 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
~ 先mine clay
mine clay 的地點如下:
f2p: crafting guild, Dwarven mines, Rimmington mine, Southwest Varrock mine
p2p: Taverly Mine,Grand Tree, Port Khazard
~ use “clay” with a “jug/bucket of water” → soft clay
~ 去Barbarian village / crafting guild,use “soft clay” with “pottery wheel”,選擇整“bowl”(要crafting lvl 8)→ “unfired bowl”
1. 只係順便提一提要fire 個bowl 就去pottery oven (你要unfired bowl 完成Dragon Slayer 就咪fire佢喇~~)
2. f2p 同埋p2p (即係係咪member 都好),都可以整unfired bowl~
有Runescape 疑問請按入小妹的檔案找我的email / msn~
參考: 小妹經驗^^
2007-05-06 10:25 pm
2.use a bucket of water-->clay
3.去babarian village,去找一個拉杯機,and soft clay(倒了水的clay) use on it,之後下面會有幾個圖,按bowl。(記住不要拿去燒)

2007-05-06 14:26:25 補充:
unfire bowl不是member item!
參考: 我
2007-05-06 9:45 pm
unfrie bowl is member items

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