Ionic bond

2007-05-06 8:40 pm
點解d elements ionic bond 之後,gain / loss 左 electrons,唔會變左弟二隻element,but
變左 xxx ion.
e.g. chlorine -> 2.8.7 gain 左 一粒 electron 之後,變左做chloride ion,而唔係會變左做 2.8.8 (argon)﹖

回答 (1)

2007-05-06 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
among proton, neutron, electron, only proton no.(atomic no.) distinguishes different elements.
for chlorine atom, upon reduction, gaining one electrons, electronic configuration changes from 2,8,7 to 2,8,8
however, no of protons remains 17 but does NOT increase to 18.
therefore, the product is not argon (atomic no=18)
as no of electrons of product=2+8+8=18
which is greater than no of proton of Cl by 1
therefore, the product is Cl-
參考: myself

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