「Yours Sincerely」還是「Yours Faithfully」?

2007-05-06 6:46 pm
求職信下款應寫「Yours Sincerely」還是「Yours Faithfully」?

兩者有什麼不同呢 ?thx

回答 (7)

2007-05-06 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yours Sincerely係用係 你同果個人係識既時候
而Yours Faithfully 係用係 你同果個人唔識既時候
求職信 就梗係Yours Faithfully啦
參考: 自己
2007-05-07 1:42 pm
If you are writing to a person by name, then you must use 'Yours sincerely'.

For example,
You start with 'Dear Mr Wong', you will finish with 'Yours sincerely'
You start with 'Dear Miss Chung', you will finish with 'Yours sincerely'
You start with 'Dear 'Dr Robinson', you will finish with 'Yours sincerely'

Whereas, if you write to an unknown person (You don't know the name of the person you are writing to), then you must use 'Yours faithfully'.

For example,
You start with 'Dear Sir'', you will finish with 'Yours faithfully'
You start with 'Dear Madam' you will finish with 'Yours faithfully'
You start with 'Dear Manager' you will finish with 'Yours faithfully'

*** Hope it helps ^>^ ***
2007-05-07 1:30 am
"Yours Sincerely", "Yours Faithfully", Yours truly" is all O.K for 求職信.
2007-05-06 8:50 pm
Try to use Yours truly, this is commonly used in cover letter nowaday!
2007-05-06 8:43 pm
Both of them are essentially the same nowadays. Besides yours sincerely, you can also just put sincerely.
2007-05-06 8:24 pm
Yours Sincerely係用係 你同果個人係識既時候 (是親是故)
而Yours Faithfully 係用係 你同果個人唔識既時候(非親非故)

但係當你知道對方姓氏的時候, 也可以用 sincerely
2007-05-06 7:08 pm
"Yours sincerely" 係識得嗰個嫁!
而 "Yours faithfully " 係唔識嗰個人嫁!
如果你唔知應該用咩呢,你可以用 "Yours truly".
" Yours truly" 係兩個都得嫁!
參考: 文書教嫁

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