why would'n God want Jesus, the man,to be physically,mentally, etc. fruitful and mutiple on earth as in heavn

2007-05-05 9:59 pm
why do some take such issue with the ideal that Jesus is our perfect example. why do we think him going to hell and fighting
satan, which i do daily, is more exceptible than him also showing us by experience how to love our families. marriage is not sexy all the time. God created sex. just because some taint it's purpose should'nt mean God made some type of mistake by creating it. I think if we could except the teachings of Jesus concerning his marriage and family,ours would only become better. it's like when our parents tell us to do something and we can't respect it because we believe they don't know what their talking about. I believe he has 1'st hand expereince of everything he teaches . Shall a man rob God. He asked that question because on the cross he had to contemplate it.
thank Jesus his experience and love for God allowed him to teach us, i would'nt try that if I were you.Hey ,just a thought, dont answer with just your emotions . use everything The God gave you. onelove

回答 (4)

2007-05-05 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can tell you the Gospel of Mary thing is what leaders of the early church would call heresy. It hasn't been accepted by knowledgable scholars (Biblical and otherwise) throughout the centuries. I'm telling you this dispassionately and as I've respected your opinion, I hope you'll consider mine. The very Bible itself states that there is nothing comparable to marriage in Heaven as there is on Earth. When looking at Creation, bring yourself to its root: purpose. God created woman to help man, once expelled from the Garden, they were told to multiply (looking ahead to producing eventual redemption through Jesus). Saying that Jesus married wouldn't necessarily be (and again, I'm saying this dispassionately) sinful, but it would go against his purpose and just be pointless as his mission on Earth was to be born in order to die for our sins and rise again, defeating Death. Also, Paul writes in Phillipians, I believe, that marriage is great and a wonderful gift, but if you can be single and dedicate your life wholly to God, then that is probably better (this is again in light of a greater purpose and in the scope of eternity). Not that there's anything wrong with marriage and sex within marriage-it's great.
However, Jesus never married.
Hope this helps.
2007-05-05 10:03 pm
what? since when did God nto want jesus to love? i just think for priets n stuff, the rule is that they want them to have their whole life devoted to god, not n e one else
2007-05-05 10:05 pm
Jesus has/had a long beard, i dont think thats the ideal of a man.
2007-05-05 10:02 pm
maybe you should ask this in the religion category

read the davinci code this theory may answer you

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