Aren't the Father Son and Holy Spirit married to one another for the sake of origin of marriage.somewhat symbo

2007-05-05 7:03 pm

回答 (5)

2007-05-05 7:10 pm
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This is a really confusing issue, but, the way I understand it is this: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all parts of the same God. While they are separate, they are still one. That is something we cannot truly discern, because it doesn't follow the rules of nature as we know them. But in Heaven things are different.

Another concept that people have trouble grasping for the same reason is eternity.
2007-05-05 7:17 pm
Surely you realize the question is not clear.
So, on a guess ...............................
The Father is God, separate and distinct from the Son.
The Holy Spirit is not even a person. It is a force, energy that God possesses to accomplish things.
They are not married. It is 'out there' to think a father would marry his son, even symbo-like. And you can't marry 'the force'.
2007-05-05 7:10 pm
No. One person three natures. And you ask this question because... ?
2007-05-05 7:09 pm
Father, son, holy spirit = me, myself, I
That's not a marriage.
2007-05-05 7:08 pm

Ok, so there are two theories/beliefs that I know of concerning the trinity.

1. They're all aspects of the same person. Divine mystery and all. How can they be three people in one? I don't know, but that's the faith part I guess.

2. There's God, then Jesus his SON (read here - not husband), then the Holy Ghost which is a totally separate person as well. None of them are married to each other. All are separate.

Don't know where you got the marriage thing, but interesting question.

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