Aren't the Father Son and Holy Spirit married to one another for the sake of origin of marriage.somewhat symbo

2007-05-05 6:26 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-05 6:31 pm
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No. They are literally the same person. Like water, ice, and water vapor.
2007-05-06 3:31 am
no god in fact uses the church itself as a reference for this i mean that he refers to himself as the groom and the church as his bride...this is symbolic of course, but it gives a good piece of groundwork as a way of showing how married couples should feel about each other...and the lengths one should go to for seeing that the other is loved and taken care of...
2007-05-06 1:30 am
No, marriage is between one God and one Goddess, anything else is against Divine Will.

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