if devine creatures; angels, man,Jesus, can love,why can't they marry?

2007-05-05 4:47 pm

回答 (11)

2007-05-05 5:18 pm
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Love doesn't equal marriage or sex.
Lots of people love people, and animals they would never consider marrying or having sex with.

Angels are spirits, they don't have bodies, so they can't have sex or babies. If you never have sex, or children to raise you don't need to get married.

People do get married all the time.

Jesus probably could have gotten married if he wanted to, I have no problem with that, but if Jesus had been married the scriptures would have said so, and they didn't so I have to assume he didn't choose to marry.
2007-05-05 5:16 pm
Jesus once made it clear to the Sadduces that in heaven people will be like the Angels who aren't maried nor give themelves in mariage. because Angels are Asexual creatures, meaning that they don't have testosterone or estrogen, so they don't have the same urgesas we.

but a couple of them did it in the days of Noah, notice that they did not marrie them but slept with them, and God punished them Accordingly, plus you might notice that it doesn't talk about sexual relation spirit-spirit but rather spirit-man can you see the evil there....

also Ecclesiastes says that when people die they forget everything including they hate. marriage is made for the living there is a lot to gain from it as family is the institution that holds a society together
參考: see Ecclesiastes, Genises and the Gospels.....
2007-05-05 5:09 pm
It is simply that the idea or notion of "sex" as we know it is more alien to angels than it is to a new born baby; they are spirits and therefore can't even begin to have the sorts of feelings and or senses that we as humans have. Even before the flood, Satan did his utmost to con them into leaving their heavenly abode to come and enjoy what he must have made seem awful great, as they forsook their eternal life with the true God to just come and taste for themselves what it was all about and took on the bodies of humans to come and marry and have sex with the beautiful women and made what the Bible calls "nephilim" on the earth, which means "giants" and the earth became so filled with violence that God came to be sorry that He had made man! Thus the deluge which killed all of these giants along with all of what the Creator deemed no longer necessary as the big dinosaurs etc. had done what they were created to do; work the land on earth so that it would eventually be the paradise earth it was meant to be from the start where only Eden was properly cultivated... but one day soon, the whole earth will be a global Eden... soon after Armageddon which will only come as a last resort when mankind and his earth would all be exterminated otherwise... Many scientists seem to think that this will be real soon as seen in the new movie from Al Gore's book "An Inconvenient Truth". I hope you'll get to watch it soon! And you will see how close we are to having to have God intervene or else there will be not one single living thing left and he simply won't allow that... So, in spite of how much he wishes for no one to die, he will have no other choice than to step in, clean the earth and destroy once and for all those who insist (in their greed and search for power,) to go on doing all they can to ruin the earth with not only milder forms of pollution, if there is such a thing, but with harsh chemicals and real nuclear weapons of mass destruction that will soon (already does in many areas) destroy the whole world, if left to themselves a second longer by the time God with his son Jesus and his myriad of angesl step in to fight the last war that will put an end to all wars... Armageddon!
參考: Psalms 37:11, 29; 2 Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:13, 17 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20,21.
2007-05-05 5:04 pm
The importance of marriage, in fact, THE SINGLE reason God created the institution of marriage was to form the groundwork, the very foundation for which to establish strong family structures and to help ensure proper development of offspring. God understood that for children to have the best chance of growing, learning and developing into responsible adults was to have a father (being a man) and a mother (being a woman) living faithfully together completing their roles within the family.

With that said. angels were not created to procreate like man was. Their job is completely different and as such does not require them to reproduce and therefore doesn't require them to marry.
2007-05-05 5:00 pm
Angels were created by God without the need for them to reproduce themselves, like man, so they have no need to have sex or marry. Believe it or not, there's more to love than sex.
2007-05-05 4:58 pm
marry is for reproduction; for people to get together and populate the earth. angels dont need to populate God made tons of them.
2007-05-05 4:55 pm
well I think you are saying that having sex is love?? Marrying is to form a unit that procreates and raises new families. If we are not doing that why marry?? We will not be having sex and will not have the desire, so why marry...
I would imagine that people could live in the same home if they found it convenient, but marriage. WHY?
Older people live together because they have companionship and share mutual interests, but one doesn't have to marry to do that.. I can love someone very much and care about them, but I don't have to marry them..
2007-05-05 4:52 pm
Perhaps they are just so busy on their mission, marriage is not an option. We learn from our relationships to be loving and caring and eventually gain the divine love that is a part of these higher divinities already. Consider Ghandi (a holy man of the twentieth century) his marriage crumbled the more his attention was required for his followers.
2007-05-05 4:51 pm
Whats the point in a spirit getting married it dont make sense
2007-05-05 4:53 pm
"Orthodoxy" teaches that there is no marriage in heaven because of the following verse in Matthew 22:30:

The Sadducees, who believed in no resurrection and who spoke of seven brethren that had one particular woman as wife, asked Jesus whose wife would she be in the resurrection? Jesus replied: "in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."

A deceptively simple explanation is that angels must be neuter and there is no marriage in heaven.

However, when you read another place in the Bible (Luke 17:27 and Matthew 24:38), we see that "marrying and giving in marriage" is a phrase used by Christ as an extremely bad activity!

"For in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until the day that No'-e entered into the ark." (Matt. 24:38) "They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day the No'-e entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all." (Luke 17:27)

If you know Swedenborg's theoloical system, you have heard of "the marriage of good and truth" as a good marriage. However, every symbol has a good sense and a bad sense. The opposite of "the marriage of good and truth" is the "marriage of evil and falseness." Every person has a "will" to receive good from the Lord and an "understanding" to receive truth from the Lord. This is the platter and cup that comprise your soul. If a person leans toward evil and lives a life of evil, that person enters into the opposite marriage - the marriage of evil and falseness.

In Swedenborg's book - the Arcana Coelestia n. 4334[4]: "Eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage; signifies their state as to the appropriation of evil and falsity, and the consequent conjuntion with these. That "to eat" denotes the appropriation of good, and "to drink" the appropriation of truth, see n. 3168, 3513e, 3596; thus in the opposite sense the appropriation of evil and falsity. That "to marry" denotes conjunction with evil, and "to give in marriage," conjunction with falsity . . . [because], in the internal sense this is conjunction of good and truth, but here in the opposite sense the conjunction of evil and falsity."

In these passages in the Bible, when Jesus Christ talks of "eating and drinking" and "marrying and giving in marriage" in a negative way, He is talking either of people who are appropriating (or of people who have already appropriated) evil and falsities to themselves.

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