
2007-05-06 7:54 am

回答 (6)

2007-05-06 7:58 am
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have a crush on someone
單字"crush"中文解作「撞/壓碎」,英文 ... 隱喻著暗戀是異性之間的心靈撞擊

以下仲有1 D examples of 有關愛情方面既英文

可以用動詞 crush 加上 on 一個對象, 例如:
I have a crush on a girl. (我暗戀一位女子)

I am infatuated with a girl. (較為formal的說法)

或者用 fancy, 但主要是有指她在性方面的吸引力:
Cambridge Dict. online:
MAINLY UK INFORMAL to be sexually attracted to someone:
He could tell she fancied him.

We are two of a kind.
We are meant for each other.

Cambridge Dict. online:
If you say two people are meant for each other, you think they suit each other as romantic partners.

admire 是動詞, admirer 是仰慕者

Flirt 也有暗戀的意思。
2007-05-06 7:57 pm
2007-05-06 8:01 am
暗戀 - Crush

If you want to say, "you 暗戀 somone" = " you have a crush on someone"

This word I learned it from my Canadian friend (I'm studying in Canada right now).
But don't try to check this wrod in a dictionary, because there's no this definition.
I'm 100% sure this is right!!!
參考: me + my friends
2007-05-06 8:00 am
Admire, worship都得
2007-05-06 7:57 am
Secret Love
2007-05-06 7:57 am
fantasy about her/him

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