how to do dragon slayer quest on runescape ?

2007-05-06 6:10 am
I need find all dragon slayer map . I need it to do dragon quest plz!!!!

i need chinese plz speak in chinese and tell me how to do


how to make unfired bowl

回答 (4)

2007-05-07 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
先到 Champion guild 開 quest (varrock 南門再向西南行)
注意你要有32 QP (quest point)


圖一‧Champian guild位置
跟住個Guild Master 就會叫你搵o向Edgeville的Oziach,佢會俾條maze key ,佢會話你知你要:
1. 找在 Ice Mountain 上的人,他會俾個4句ge“謎語”你,
(1) Wizard’s Mind Bomb (可到fally east bank 隔籬的pub / inn 買,blue 的)
(2) silk (在 Al Kharid沙漠買)
(3) lobster pot (Port Sarim 的 fishing shop)
(4) unfired bowl (可自己mine clay加水整成sofy clay 後去Barbarian Village / Crafting guild 的pottery wheel 整成,記住咪去oven 度fire佢)

帶齊呢4樣o野落Dwarven Mine按下圖指示入room 開chest,咁你就有一份map part 啦!


圖二‧扲map part位置 (dwarven mine )
2. 到Port Sarim 的prison 中用mage 或 range 整死隻 goblin ,跟住用 mage 的telegrab 拿 map part ,mage 冇咁高唯有俾10 k 佢 (看下圖的jail, goblin)


圖三‧拎map part 位置 (jail-goblin)、買船地方、Ned所在地
3. 去位於Falador的 Crafting guild 再行southwest 少少便到的Melzar maze (上圖左手面呀~~~)跟住……
- 入到去kill giant rats 直至你有條red key,入西北門再上ladder
- 到有好多ghosts 的一層,打到有orange key,用o黎開左手面第二度門,climb up ladder
- 打skeleton直至有yellow key,入最西南那度門,跟著走廊去到最東落ladder
- 今次到zombies,打到有blue key,直入門口
- 終於見到Melzar (Mad the Melzar),kill o左佢就有條Magenta / Purple key
- 入o左度門見到lesser demon啦,打瓜佢就有green key
- 再入度門就有個chest,裏面係map part
注意小心唔好出錯個door係俾你中途離開o既,你無乜hp就走先啦,不過又要由頭打過,所以帶夠lobsters / swordies先好入去呀!
以下呢幅係maze 的地圖,指示你入邊度門同上紅色ladder的:


圖四‧Melzar' s Maze 拎key圖

3 份map parts 集齊,use one map part with other map part →attach together

到Port Sarim 的南面(到Karajma Island的水手再行落d,睇圖三)買隻ship,(forget , less than 5k) 你要repair 隻ship by:
planks x 3 (到wildy 的graveyard of shadow 拿,小心skeleton)
steel nails x 90 (make them urself)
帶埋 hammer 同以上兩樣o野去隻ship度,
上o左ship落下一層,個hole o向南面。

跟住到draynor village 找Ned (整dye的witch對面那間,Ned還可幫你整wig及ropes,睇圖三),俾張map佢,他會做你captain。
再去Lumbridge o既Palace度二樓找Duke Horacio,佢會俾anti-dragon shield你~
帶齊「架餐」、anti-dragon shield (一定要!)、food、teleport runes (如需要) 及 str potion(如需要) 便可到隻ship 那兒會合Ned 出發到Carndor Island 找 dragon la

6 May, 07 23:55 last modified ~newest version
參考: 小妹經驗 + 的maps n pic
2007-05-07 12:39 am
go to and they will have a free quest guild tells u how to do dragon slayer.
參考: xtream007
2007-05-06 5:57 pm to champion's guild master
2.go to edgeville and talk to oziach
1.oziach will give melzar's maze key,so u need to go inside melzar's maze
2.kill giant rat(lvl3,keep killing until u find the red key)
3.unlock the door at the north west corner
4.climb up the ladder and kill ghost(lvl19,keep killing until find a orange key),the key should be use it with the door second from the north on the east wall,heading up a ladder in the small room after the door.
5.kill the skeletons(lvl22)until u find a yellow key,the key should be use on the southwest door.
6.climb down the next 3 ladders and kill zombie(lvl24)until u find a blue key,use it on the blue door.
7.go to kill melzar the mad(lvl43),keep killing until u find a purple key,use it on the purple door
8.kill the lesser demon to get the green key,unlock the green door and open the chest,u will find a map piece
1.bring a silk(u can buy it in varrock and al-kharid,a lobster pot(u can buy it in port sarim,a unfried bowl(make yourself,and a wizard's mind bomb (u can in falador)
2.go to dwarfen mine
3.go to the storeroom and open the chest
4.u will find the map piece
skills:u need at least 31lvl mage lvl(u need at least31lvl mgae because u need to use33lvl telekinetic grab,31lvl or 32lvl drink wizard's mind bomb,it will up u 2 lvl mage but not forever) ,if not,u need 10k
1.go to the jail near to port sarim
2.kill the wormbrain the goblin and use telekinetic grab to take the map piece(not enough mage lvl need to talk to him and buy it by 10k)
anti-dragon shield:
u need take it from duke horacio in the 2nd floor of lumbridge castle
get to crandor:
1.u need to buy a ship from klarense by 2k,he is at port sarim
2.put the map piece together to ned and give him the map
4.go to the ship u buy and talk to ned again
kill elvarg the dragon:
go to the duegeon of crandor and enter the door,and kill elvarg(must wear anti-dragon shield)!

hint:Karamja is connect to crandor,if u die,your ship is not yours after you go to crandor,so u go to karamja volcano and open the wall to go to crandor
參考: me

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