
2007-05-06 5:54 am
財爺早前宣佈退還 07/08年 50%薪俸稅, 若然我於06/07年度已繳交$10000 (實際) + $10000(A)預繳, 而07/08年度原應繳交 $10000(B)稅款, 可否理解為實際應繳稅款為 $0? 因退還 07/08年已預繳 $10000(A)的50%=$5000, 及寬免原來 $10000(B)的50%=$5000。

Thanks onlinetchow Then how about the provision part of 06/07 that I have paid ($10000). Should I have 50% rebate from that?

回答 (1)

2007-05-06 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is not the actual meaning.


The actual menaing is :

Total tax payable of your 06/07 tax demand note is $10,000, then 50% of this amount is $5,000 that you should pay.

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